Tips for bean storage

The beans are monoculture and are sown in late April to early May. Harvest takes place in September for the flat "megalosperma" and October for the giants and the elephants. They can be retained and consumed for up to 24 months. Ideally they should be consumed by the time of the new crop's production. They should be kept in a clean, dark, cool, well-aired, dry place.

The required moisture-level is inside the dried bean itself. From harvest time, the humidity is gradually lost. In the space of a few months, this results in a yellowing of the outer skin. This yellowing is greater in larger bean varieties (giant and elephant beans). Although this loss of moisture may affect the appearance of the bean, it maintains all vitamins and trace elements.

A lot of consumers believe this partial yellowing of an older crop renders it an inferior product. However, the yellowing has no effect on either the quality or the taste, nor the cooking result of the beans.

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